General information
Name: Tanes
Company owner: EDP
Location: Nalon River, Caso and Sobrescobio
Watershed: North - Nalon
Supply reservoir: Tanes and Rioseco Contraembalse
Began operations: 1978
Physical characteristics
Usable volume of reservoir (Hm³): 25.3 in Tanes; 2.82 in Rioseco
Type of dam: Gravity for both Tanes and Rioseco
Power station type: Derivation and groundwater
Number of alternators: 2
Turbine type: Vertical Francis and reversible
Energy Features
Net capacity (MW): 124,17
Energy produced in average year: 137,000 MWh
Number of sets: 2
Maximum flow equipment: 119.5 m/sup3/s generation; 115 m³/s pumping