Sectoral Associations:
EDP Spain is a member of various industry associations:
European Gas Research Group ( EDP Spain participates in this European research group that promotes R+D+i in the gas sector.
Spanish Electricity Industry Association ( is a professional organization of a sectoral character for representation, promotion, management and defense of the general and common interests of its members, as well as the electricity sector.
Eurelectric ( Sectoral Association that represents the common interests of the electric industry at a European level.
Technology Platforms:
EDP participates in the following Technology Platforms
The Platform [Futured]( was born in 2005 to bring together all stakeholders in the definition and promotion of R+D+i in Spain applied to Spanish electrical transport and distribution networks. The so-called "Smart grids" or "intelligent networks" of the future will have to face effective integration into those of renewable energy, with the twin problems of its strong growth and its decentralized nature.
Spanish Technology Platform (STP) Network
EDP Spain participates in the Manager Platform Group and will lead the Working Group on Energy Storage:
Spanish Technology Platform (STP) of the CO2:
The aim of the STP of the CO2 (, established in 2006, is to contribute to improving energy efficiency in large industrial installations and to the development of capture, transport, storage and the use of CO2, and its implementation in the industry, so that Spain fulfills its commitments to reduce emissions.
Spanish Technology Platform (STP) Energy Efficiency:
The STP Energy Efficiency (, created in 2008, has its ultimate aim of technology innovation in products and services that contribute to a more intelligent and sustainable consumption of different energies.
Spain participates in the EDP Manager Platform Group.
EDP Natural Gas Energy Classroom
EDP has an Agreement for the Scientific-Technological Collaboration with the Bilbao Higher College of Engineering, thanks to which, the EDP Class of Natural Gas Energy was created. In this classroom, the College students develop projects related to the strategic lines of R+D+i defined by EDP Spain.