General information
Name: La Riera
Company owner: EDP
Location: Somiedo River in La Riera de Somiedo
Watershed: North (Narcea - Nalón)
Supply Reservoir: Somiedo and Saliencia Dam on the Saliencia and Somiedo River
Began operations: Two sets in 1946 and a set in 1956
La Riera Physical features
Usable volume of the reservoir (Hm³): 0.02
Type of dam: Two gravity dams
Type of plant: Derivation and on surface
Number of alternators: 3
Turbine type: Vertical Francis
Energy Features
Net capacity (MW): 7.71
Energy produced in average year: 32,000 MWh
Number of sets: 3
Maximum flow of equipment: 7.2 m³/s