Instalación Fotovoltaica De Heus

De Heus engages with green energy in its facilities in Badajoz

Tuesday 29, June 2021
Renewable energy

De Heus seals a partnership with the energy company EDP to start up a photovoltaic installation of 139 kWp, which will generate annual savings equivalent to the average consumption of more than 60 households and will avoid the emission of 115 tons of CO2.

Energy saving, more efficiency and responsibility with the environment’s protection. With this shared goals, two companies, leaders in their sector at an international level, De Heus Animal Nutrition, and the energy company EDP, have sealed a partnership to start up a photovoltaic installation for self-consumption in the production plant of De Heus in La Garrovilla, Badajoz.

The installation is in the roof of the factory, in a 653 m2 area, with a voltage of 139 kWp.

Its more than 300 solar panels will allow to generate enough energy for the self-sufficiency of the production center, which would equal the average annual consumption of more than 60 households (217 MWh).

“Developing these kinds of partnerships with companies with that much experience, an at the head of their sector, like EDP, is the way to achieve more instruments that turn us into a more sustainable company every time, improving our efficiency and reducing our carbon footprint,” highlighted the director of De Heus Iberia, Jean-François Honoré.

“De Heus and EDP share values, apart of being both centenary companies, and have among their more urgent goals to bequeath a future full of possibilities for the new generations. That is why, working together is being very easy, despite the magnitude of the project and the necessity to adapt the installation to the specific characteristics of our plant, and a consumption’s monitorization in real time”, added the CEO of the animal nutrition company.

For their part, to EDP the agreement with De Heus “reflects the tight relations with our business customers, as well as our ability to keep innovating and developing integral projects, which contribute to boost our client’s energy savings, sustainability and competitivity”, has pointed out EDP’s commercial advisor, Miguel Fonseca. Furthermore, he has emphasized that “this project is framed in our Strategic Plan for the 2021-2025 period, with investments for the value of 24 000 million euros, focused, among other lines of action like renewable growth, on giving innovative energetic solutions to the customers.”

This engagement with energy self-consumption also contributes to reinforcing the commitment with the environment’s protection of De Heus, one of its strategic priorities. Energy self-consumption will avoid the emission of 115 tons of CO2 each year, a positive impact in the air quality, similar to the one of 8 600 new trees.

The energy company EDP has carried out all the installation works and implementation and has provided De Heus with an innovative platform that allows to monitor and manage in real time the installation, with the goal of optimizing its efficiency.

Extremadura is one of the autonomic communities with more sunshine hours, almost 3 000 per year. This turns the self-consumption photovoltaic installations into one of the main solutions of energy savings, that boost the enterprise competitiveness.

This initiatives frames in EDP’s Strategic Plan for 2021-2025, recently approved, that expects investments for the value of 24 000 million euros. The investments will focus on three main lines of action: renewable energies growth, flexibility and intelligence of electrical distribution networks, and engagement to design and offer more innovative solutions to their clients. This ambitious plan contributes to EDP’s goal of being 100% green by 2030.

For its part, De Heus frames it in its plan “Responsible Power”, from which it boosts projects that go from the use of responsible antibiotics to the reduction of environmental impact and the contribution of local communities in which it operates.