Digitization of EDP's networks revolutionizes electrical distribution

Thursday 01, February 2018

The distribution company reinforces its investments, which for the period 2017-2020 will exceed 180 million euros

From the first moment, EDP turned the counters into sensors of the network. The company closed 2017 with 608,897 installed telemanaged meters, which represents 94.4% of its total meter pool. In April, it will complete the replacement of all the meters in its network, eight months before the deadline set by the government, December 31, 2018, when all households must have one of the new devices.

In addition, it has already installed 6,500 hubs, which are the devices that allow the connection and transmission of data between the counters and the central services of the company.

This advance in the replacement of devices has allowed EDP ead the digitalization of electricity networks in Spain. And it has done so by acting in four fundamental areas: network monitoring, operation efficiency, self-consumption and the digital operation of the network.

EDP a pioneer in incorporating the low voltage network, the closest to customers, into its systems. This monitoring allows for very valuable information, part of it in real time. For example, it is possible to detect incidents and solve them quickly, safely and effectively, even without displacements and before the customer is aware of it.

Digitization is essential to increase efficiency, which positively influences the improvement of supply quality. In fact, EDP obtained in 2017 the best quality of electricity supply in Spain. This is reflected in the TIEPI (Interruption Time Equivalent to Installed Power), which is the indicator that measures the quality of supply of electricity distribution companies. The value obtained by EDP 0 minutes, the best recorded in history by a distribution company in Spain.

Self-consumption is one of the vectors that will most influence the electricity sector in the coming years. In this regard, EDP ady has its network ready for the incorporation of both microgeneration and electric vehicle.

The digital operation of the network is already a fact in EDP. The company has been the first distributor in Spain to have applications for the management of the low voltage network.

All these innovations allow to efficiently manage the network, which translates into an improvement of service to customers. EDP cuses its efforts on offering tools and applications that allow an efficient and responsible use of energy consumption. For example, it already provides information on electricity consumption in real time, through its website (www.edphcenergia.es/misconsumos).

Within the scope of innovation, the company has also used drones both in the execution of new lines and their inspection. Its use supposes important advantages, since it speeds up the work in the field and reduces the risks for people in areas of great unevenness.

Likewise, EDP ied out several pilot projects with augmented reality glasses, which allow a connection between operators working in the field and the central services of the company, from where they see in real time what the operator shows them. This way, the company reinforces collaborative work and operates the network in a more secure and efficient way.

Advances in networks also encompass medium and low voltage networks, with internally developed applications that improve their operation. In 2017, the availability of 132 kV networks was 99.12% and that of 50 kV 99.33%. Only 0.05% of the unavailability was due to unforeseen events. The rest was programmed, mainly, for the maintenance of the lines.

To all innovations we must add the excellence in management and the high degree of specialization of the people who operate and maintain the network. All this allowed EDP's supply points to boast the best quality of supply in Spain in recent years.

EDP's commitment to digitize its networks also responds to the important and continuous investments in all of its distribution infrastructures. In addition to investing in this digitization, the company also performs numerous jobs to improve both quality and security of supply. For example, every year it renews underground cables with more than 40 years and makes major renovations in its facilities. This has been the case, in 2017, of the substations of La Corredoria (Oviedo), Carrió (Gijón) and Tabiella (Avilés).

EDP invest more than 180 million euros in its networks in the 2017-2020 period. This important investment effort will allow us to continue with the digitalization of the network, improve the quality of supply and strengthen the development of smart networks to offer more and more facilities and benefits to consumers.
