Los representantes de los 30 proyectos apoyados por EDP Solidaria 2022 con Manuel Menéndez_ Presidente de Fundación EDP y Vanda Martins_ directora de la Fundación EDP

The EDP Foundation supports 30 social projects with one million euros

Tuesday 22, November 2022

The initiatives will be developed within the framework of the EDP Solidaria programme and will benefit different projects throughout the country with the aim of improving people's lives.

The EDP Solidaria 2022 edition has kicked off today. 30 non-profit organisations from different parts of Spain will receive a total of one million euros to promote and develop social projects within the three strategic areas of intervention of the programme promoted by the EDP Foundation: care for the elderly; the fight against depopulation and rural development; access to energy and energy efficiency. In addition, the persistence of the social, health and economic crisis generated by COVID-19 has led to the creation of a fourth area to support projects that contribute to alleviating the consequences of the pandemic on society and the most vulnerable groups.

This edition of EDP Solidarity received a total of 121 applications, making it the most successful to date, not only in number but also in the quality of the proposals submitted, with more diverse projects and elements of innovation in certain key areas. In particular, the area of energy transition stands out, with an increase in energy-related projects, coupled with a greater diversity of approaches.

The winning projects were presented at an event in Madrid attended by Manuel Menéndez, President of the EDP Foundation and EDP Spain, and Marta Marañón, Director of Institutional Relations at Ayuda en Acción. The event also included a round table discussion with various organisations, which reflected on initiatives and projects that are examples of good practice.

The EDP Foundation will fund up to 75% of the approved proposals, except in the case of proposals in the area of energy, which will cover up to 90% of the total cost of the intervention.

The 30 projects selected in this edition of EDP Solidaria by Autonomous Communities were as follows:


ECODES: EnergizArte Rural: will set up an energy advice office in a rural area and carry out express energy refurbishment and/or installation of renewable energies in the homes of families in a situation of energy vulnerability.
ARAGON SOCIAL ECONOMY: Collaborative Energy Aragon: this is a pilot project aimed at creating energy communities which, if successful, could be extended in the next edition of EDP Solidarity.
AGRUPACIÓN DE PERSONAS SORDAS DE ZARAGOZA: Útiles y solidarios: this project prevents unwanted loneliness and isolation of deaf elderly people.
MALLATA EDUCATIVA: Léeme bonito: a socio-cultural project aimed at the elderly living in rural mountain areas of Aragon to alleviate the isolation of these people and build stable intergenerational community networks.
ADEFO CINCO VILLAS: El Pueblo me alimenta: the project aims to contribute to the socio-economic revitalisation of the rural territory of Aragon through the promotion of local consumption.


ECOHERENCIA: CapacitAcciÓN energética: the project aims to empower the population to face the energy crisis.
AFIM 21: MDJ: Seniors who energise with games: a project for neurocognitive stimulation of the elderly through games, with a focus on involving the elderly in a process of learning and service.
GAEN DE GRANADA: DigitalMove: the project aims to incorporate the new intelligent technologies of video games and virtual reality into the rehabilitation provided by the association to elderly people affected by neurodegenerative diseases at a physical, cognitive and emotional level, aged between 55-85 years.


A CITY FOR ALL: Our waste, our energy: the project proposes an intervention to make use of the vegetable waste produced in the gardening section of the organisation's insertion company, with the aim of turning it into fuel for a biomass boiler.
SILOÉ FOUNDATION: Solar gardens with ecological production: the project proposes the installation of a solar garden and an ecological garden to work with the organisation's users.
AINDACE: Discovering new realities: this is a project focused on the elderly and people with a cerebral pathology. The aim is to improve their quality of life.
ACCEM ASTURIAS: GENER@RED: training project to reduce the digital divide and promote intergenerational relations.
PADRE OSSÓ: Expansion of the capacities of the early childhood care system in the rural area of the Principality of Asturias: the project seeks to develop a specialised care service with the aim of guaranteeing the access of the rural population to specialised child and youth care services.

- FACTORIA F5: RuralCamp: Programme for insertion in the technology sector in rural areas. The project seeks to generate remote work opportunities for unemployed people.

Canary Islands:
- ALIS CANARIAS: Energy awareness programme "Conectad@s a la Sostenibilidad": the programme aims to contribute to the sustainable development of the Canary Islands.
- PREVENIR : We are unique and equally important people - care for vulnerable children and families: the project is aimed at addressing the psychological care needs, mainly in children, which have increased after the pandemic.

Castilla y León:
- FUNDACIÓN SANTA MARIA LA REAL: Renueva tu energía: programme to raise awareness, train and advise on the efficient use of energy in third sector organisations.

Castile-La Mancha:
- INTERMEDIACCIÓN: Mayores oportunidades: promotes active and healthy ageing and the inclusion of the elderly in the community through different actions and tools.
- ASPRONA: Support management programme for people with high support needs and/or in the process of ageing: the project will set up a device to help 84 people with intellectual disabilities with high support needs and/or advanced age and the family members with whom they live.

- ÚNETE, THE PERMANENT UNIVERSITY: Digital inclusion of older people in Reinosa: the project promotes volunteering actions to help older people increase their use of digital services in a lasting way.
- CAMBERA NETWORK: Asón Lab: weaving networks for the transmission of knowledge. The project aims to create spaces for participation and governance of common goods linked to natural heritage in rural areas.

- FUNDACIÓN SECRETARIADO GITANO: Energy transition, a door to employment for the most vulnerable: the project proposes a set of actions to raise awareness, accompany and train young people in a situation of social vulnerability on the challenges of energy transition, as well as certified vocational training for a group of 12 young Roma men and women from Extremadura in the occupation of "Assembly and maintenance of photovoltaic and thermal solar installations".

- APOYO ASSOCIATION: Morataluz: support for energy transition in Moratalaz. It will offer training on energy issues to vulnerable families, children, citizens in general and neighbourhood organisations; individualised energy advice and low-cost interventions in vulnerable housing.
- AFANÍAS: Ageing support programme: the project will provide comprehensive care and support to elderly people with intellectual disabilities and their families, aggravated by the pandemic, as well as generating adapted and accessible tools.
- CRIS AGAINST CANCER: Cell therapy with memory T lymphocytes for SARS-CoV-2. RELEASE 2.0. Second year of a research project on COVID being carried out with the Hospital de La Paz. It is based on the use of passive adoptive cell therapy with memory T cells and allogeneic NK cells to treat COVID-19. 
- DEDINES: School for Parents: the project consists of setting up a School for Parents for people whose children have various disabilities and are also diagnosed with a rare disease. 
- DIVERSITAS: Sharing house, sharing life: the aim of the project is to facilitate access to housing for people or families in a situation of social vulnerability through the implementation and management of a shared housing programme for elderly people who suffer from loneliness.
- GREAT FRIENDS: No elderly person alone: accompanying in the neighbourhoods. Pilot project consisting of the integration of all the programmes developed by the organisation in two neighbourhoods in Madrid, with the aim of offering a support network for the elderly through volunteering, focusing on the proximity approach.

- CARITAS DE CARTAGENA: Asís Formación: project aimed at improving the employability of people in a situation of social exclusion, who participate in the Caritas Employment Network, which includes training in renewable energies and the establishment of a collaboration network with key companies in the sector in the community.