Subestación de Santa Cruz

EDP moves forward in the modernization of Santa Cruz’s substation

Wednesday 31, August 2022

Two new high-voltage transformers will be installed, which will make it possible to dismantle the open-air park and make a progress with a new phase of the works.

EDP takes a step forward in the improvement of the quality and the energy supply in its electric distribution network. Next Friday, the company will complete the first stage of the work to improve Santa Cruz’s substation, in Mieres, with the installation of two new high-voltage transformers.

In order to unload this new equipment, it is necessary to install a crane in the AS-236 road, which implies the cutting of the road section surrounding the substation from Wednesday to Friday. Next week, several equipment related to the transformers will be unloaded. The company has previously informed the neighbors about this intervention, which implies a progress in the improvement of the substation.

The installation and start-up of these two new transformers and associated equipment entail an investment of 4 million euros, one of the main items in the project to refurbish the substation operated by Viesgo, EDP’s electric distribution company.

Santa Cruz’s substation is a strategic installation of the distribution network. It gives service to 41 000 supply points, considering households and companies in the city councils of Mieres, Aller and Lena. Furthermore, it is connected to the electric network of western-Asturias. EDP plans to invest 14 million euros in an improvement project.

The function of the installed transformers is to modify the electricity voltage from 132 kV to 30 kW, from high to low voltage, for the local supply. Each transformer, which loads almost 100 000 kilos, has a more modern technology for this equipment, improving the output, reliability, and efficiency of the distribution’s installation.

A facility built in 2021, which hold different high-voltage equipment, also joins the transformers. With that, EDP will end the first of the three planned stages in the project.

The second stage will consist of the dismantling of the open-air park and the construction of a new building, that will occupy part of the area of this park. This building, neighboring the recently constructed one, will hold medium-voltage equipment of the substation.

The third stage will consist of the dismantling of the former thermal power plan buildings, except the one holding the centenarian turbo-alternator of late installation, a unique piece that dates back to 1916.

The work in the improvement of the substation generates 200 jobs in 30 companies. This project belongs to EDP’s Strategic Plan 2021-2025, with 24 000 million euros worth of planned investments in three main lines of action: renewable energies, electric network flexibility and innovative solutions for clients.

 Electric energy distribution plays a crucial role in energy transition, as it should favor new energy agent’s integration, like self-consumption and electric vehicles. In the time frame between 2021 and 2025, EDP plans to invest more than 700 million euros on the improvement of its electrical network in Spain.