EDP organizes in Leon its annual conference B2C

Thursday 09, June 2016

More than 1250 employees of EDP, from all around Spain and Portugal, have taken part in the annual sales conferences B2C (households and small businesses) of the energy company. This meeting, that took place in the Cultural Center Santa Nonia from Caja España, was celebrated under the motto “We Are Energy”. The goal of these conferences is to put in common their experiences and to establish this year’s strategy.

The meeting has consisted of presentations of the area B2C, as well as interventions in other strategic areas of the company. All of them together, oriented towards the customer’s satisfaction. After the presentations in the Cultural Center Santa Nonia, attendants enjoyed a dinner in the Museum Sierra Pambley.

Among the different presentations it is to highlight the ones of EDP Spain’s CEO, Miguel Stilwell de Andrade, EDP Spain’s corporative and commercial director and general manager, Javier Sáenz de Jubera, and the director of marketing and sales B2C, Ricardo González Santander, who stated that “these conferences enable to highlight the importance of the experiences of all that people who have a relation with the customer, so that we can optimize our commercial energy for domestic clients and small businesses.”

Among the participants in the conferences there was also people from Leon, like the director of marketing in EDP Spain, Yone Aldasoro Llamas, who showed a special interest for the conference to take place in her city.

Choosing Leon as site for these conferences responds to EDP’s commitment with the city, that is a priority market where the company develops numerous activities and increases, year after year, its customers portfolio, both in electricity and gas. This extends to the Community of Castille and Leon, where it sums more than 70 000 contracts, 40 % more than in 2015.



EDP is an energy group, leader in international value creation, innovation and sustainability. It is part of the Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes (World and STOXX), and it is moreover leader in world renewable energy.

In Spain, EDP is a model company in the energy market, present in the generation, distribution and commercialization of electric energy, natural gas and services, in which more than 3 million people already trust.

EDP is leader in gas in Cantabria, Murcia and the Basque Country, as well as in Asturias, where it is also model electric operator.