La energía verde de Córdoba

EDP presents its project to transform the power plant of Puente Nuevo in the green energy of Cordoba

Friday 21, April 2023
Renewable energy

The regional Minister for Industry, Energy and Mining of the Government of Andalusia, Jorge Paradela, visits the plant and gets to know first-hand EDP’s project, that expects to invest 400 million euros in the site.

The future of the plant of Puente Nuevo goes over renewable energies. The energy company EDP, global leader in renewable energies, has presented the plans that it has to transform this site into the green energy of Cordoba.

EDP has presented these plans to the regional Minister of Industry, Energy and Mining of the Government of Andalusia, Jorge Paradela, and to the delegate of Cordoba’s Government, Adolfo Molina, who have visited the facilities, joined by the administrator of EDP Production, Joana Freitas; the director of Generation of EDP Spain, Pablo Argüelles; the director of EDP Renewables Spain, Rocío Sarre; and the director of Regulation of EDP Spain, Santiago Bordiú.

The realistic project of the company goes over the construction and launching of an innovative floating solar park with a power of 50 MW, terrestrial solar parks in the surroundings that add up 300 MW, a biomass plant of 50 MW and a synchronous compensator that gives stability and a greater flexibility to the electric system.

The regional Minister of Industry, Energy and Mining of the Government of Andalusia, Jorge Paradela, has underlined that the resources coming from the Just Transition Fund “are especially important because they enable us to promote, together with the companies, the transformation of a thermal power plant of coal into what the EU wants today: industries based on renewable energies and digitalization, that allow for the decarbonization of our economy, and thus for the contribution to the fight against climate change.”

The administrator of EDP Production, Joana Freitas, has reinforced “the ambition of the energy group to be 100 % green by 2030, a goal that goes over the development of projects like the ones we have programed in Spain, and in Andalusia in particular, linked to renewable energies, green hydrogen, storage and flexibility of the electric system”. Regarding the initiatives for Andalusia, Freitas has highlighted that “the goal 2 of the company is to invest 1 000 million euros in these projects, that are key for the energy transition.”

For the director of Generation of EDP Spain, Pablo Argüelles, “the transformation of Puente Nuevo into the green energy of Cordoba is a priority for EDP, and we want thus to develop innovative projects that have a pull effect for the economy and contribute to accelerate a fair energy transition through the deployment of renewable energies, in a just and inclusive way, without leaving anyone behind.” Furthermore, Argüelles has extended EDP’s commitment in Andalusia to its presence in the generation of wind energy, where it manages more than 250 MW, and to “the transformation project of the plant of Los Barrios, in Cadiz, to turn it into the green hydrogen valley of Campo de Gibraltar, an initiative for which we have just started the environmental processing of the first stage, that will entail an investment of almost 200 million euros”.

In order to carry out this ambitious transformation of the plant of Puente Nuevo, an investment of 400 million euros is needed, which will result in 1 500 employments in the construction stage, more than 50 employments in the operation and 1 200 indirect employments throughout the lifespan of the projects.

EDP has a realistic project to transform its thermal power plants into “green hubs” linked to four energy axes: green hydrogen, energy storage, renewable energies and flexibility of the electric system. With these projects, the company aims to lead energy transition fairly, and without leaving anyone behind.