EDP Spain presents the 2021 Sustainability Report

Monday 16, May 2022

It brings together the most relevant figures and events of the year.

Once again, EDP Spain presents its Sustainability Report under the slogan "Changing tomorrow now", in line with the EDP Group Report.

In this Report, together with the messages from the Chairman, Manuel Menéndez, and the CEO, Rui Teixeira, the entire positioning plan is presented, consisting of 41 initiatives grouped into the company's three major ESG blocks (Energy Transition and Environmental, Social and Good Governance commitment), while the main indicators in these areas are included, proof of the performance of the 2021 financial year. A year that is still very complex due to COVID-19 and a complicated international situation that has had an impact on the energy markets.

As announced in the strategic review presented in March 2021, EDP has committed to stop operating with coal in 2025 and to be carbon neutral, with 100% renewable production, in 2030. These ambitious milestones include an orderly exit of thermal assets, which does not compromise the quality of service or security of supply, as we have always advocated, while at the same time committing to replacement projects based mainly on green hydrogen, energy storage and renewables. In this way, EDP is once again at the forefront of the development of clean energies.

In the environmental sphere, in the so-called decade of action, climate change continues to be the main global challenge. At EDP, we remain fully committed to the fight against climate change, as we have defended in our extensive presence at the Glasgow COP, represented at the highest level.

From the social point of view, aspects of employees, customers and suppliers, as well as commitment to the social environment, relations with local communities and actions with stakeholders developed in response to the pandemic. Finally, aspects of good governance, dealing with equality, ethics and integrity, and aspects of relevance such as innovation.

All these projects and initiatives demonstrate ESG excellence at the heart of the corporate strategy, which will enable us to lead the energy transformation by creating value for all stakeholders, which is our purpose.