Ferduero renews its contract of electricity supply with EDP

Wednesday 01, June 2016

The Asociación Ferduero, that represents 133 irrigation communities, has agreed on the renovation of the electricity supply contract with EDP. The reduction of the bill through the optimization of energy consumption, joined to the professionality and good attention of EDP’s Managers have been key factors in the awarding.

The agreement, that has a duration of two years, contemplates an estimated annual consumption of 55 GWh per year, for a price over five million euros. Thirty members of the Association benefit from this contract, although other associates may join throughout its course.

This contract’s novelty relies on the price fixing depending on the evolution of the Iberian Electricity Market. The Association decides what prices they are interested in closing in each year term, depending on the closing prices fixed by the electricity market, turning thus variable prices into fixed ones for each of period. This way, the Association may close more advantageous prices for each of these terms. The closings may be carried out for the periods of 2016 and 2017.

Nevertheless, and within the flexibility of the contracting that Ferduero aims to offer its associates, those entities that have required it, could also contract the modalities of fixed and indexed, although the majority have opted for the purchase in the Iberian Electricity Market, currently having most terms 100 % closed.

The Association of Irrigation Communities of the Duero Basin maintains in this contract the energy services OPTIMA and ACTIR, that will enable the irrigation communities to adopt the measures needed to carry out the optimization of the contracted power, controlling both the cost of the excessive power and the reactive energy.

The services of added value are framed within EDP’s strategy of providing flexible and innovative solutions for customers that allow for the access to more competitive energy prices and relevant savings in its consumption, as well as for the maximum adjustment of the service to the needs of each customer.

The Community also is keeping personalized technic counselling from a management team during the 24 months that the new contract will be in force, which will enable to have a more exhaustive control of the energy cost. Moreover, the irrigation communities will continue having access to the information of all energy supplies, in an approachable web environment, configurated through the website www.edpenergia.es.

With this new contract, EDP offers Ferduero the opportunity to obtain more savings in their electricity bill.


Asociación FERDUERO

The Asociación FERDUERO brings together 130 Irrigation Communities of the Duero Basin and 3 other provinces of Lugo and Ourense, belonging to the Territorial Demarcation Miño-Sil, with a total of 232 093,83 associates, out of which, 30 Modernized Communities, with an area of 66 337, that use electric energy to promote the automatic and centralized irrigation that has added to the joint purchasing.


EDP in Castille and Leon

EDP is present in Castille and Leon in the commercialization of electric energy, natural gas and services. It is one of the areas of expansion of the company, where it sums more than 70 000 contracts of industrial and domestic customers.



EDP is an energy group, leader in international value creation, innovation and sustainability. It is part of the Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes (World and STOXX), and it is moreover leader in world renewable energy.

In Spain, EDP is a model company in the energy market, present in the generation, distribution and commercialization of electric energy, natural gas and services, in which more than 3 million people already trust.

EDP is leader in gas in Cantabria, Murcia and the Basque Country, as well as in Asturias, where it is also model electric operator.