More than 100 employees meet in Somiedo for a work conference

Friday 30, June 2017

More than 100 employees of EDP’s generation area have met in Pola de Somiedo to participate in a conference of the program of continuous improvement Lean Ibérico. The meeting, that took place in the Center of Visitors Reception in the Park of Somiedo, has helped to make a balance, present initiatives and share experiences among the employees in Spain and Portugal.

More than 100 employees of EDP’s generation area have met in Pola de Somiedo to participate in a conference of the program of continuous improvement Lean Ibérico. The meeting, that took place in the Center of Visitors Reception in the Park of Somiedo, has helped to make a balance, present initiatives and share experiences among the employees in Spain and Portugal.

The director of the Natural Park of Somiedo, Luis Fernando Alonso, has opened the conference, highlighting the fact that the company had chosen to celebrate this meeting in an environment of such environmental value as it is Somiedo.

EDP had chosen this location for the conference due to its close relation with the council of Somiedo, origin of its own story and place where it develops its activity of electric energy generation in the hydraulic plants of La Malva and La Riera, in a respectful way towards the environment.

The conference was also attended by EDP’s CEO, Miguel Stilwell de Andrade, EDP’s President of the Council of Administration of the Generation Area, Rui Teixiera, and EDP’s director of Generation and member of the Council of Administration, Miguel Mateos.

Employees of the area have presented eight initiatives, chosen among the more than 70 proposed by employees. These are projects for the improvement of thermal power plants of carbon and of combined cycle, hydraulic plants, and cogeneration and residues plants.

The initiatives have reinforced, among other issues, the sustainability, the efficiency, the availability and the flexibility of the facilities, and the prevention of labor risks.

EDP’s program Lean Ibérico consists of the identification and development of initiatives of continuous improvement in different areas of the company, projects that are carried out by their own employees.



EDP is an international energy group, leader in value creation, innovation and sustainability. It is part of the Down Jones Sustainability Indexes (World and STOXX) and is also global leader in renewable energy.

In Spain, EDP is a model company in the energy market, present in generation, distribution and marketing of electric energy and gas, and has already earned the trust of more than 3 million people.

EDP is leader in gas in Cantabria and the Basque Country, as well as in Asturias, where it is also the model electricity operator.