jornada paddle surf

Students from the Casa de la Virgen school and the Asansull Association enjoy a paddle surf event organized by EDP in Palmones

Thursday 16, May 2024
  • Twenty-five teens from the Asansull Association and a group of sixth-form students from the Casa de la Virgen school take part in an activity in the Palmones beach to promote sport, inclusion and sustainability

  • The participants caught their first waves and shared a day of camaraderie and fun in the water with their peers

Forty teenagers, some of them with special needs, have enjoyed a day by the sea, learning to row through their first waves at the Palmones beach in Los Barrios (Cádiz). This activity, taking place in Cádiz for a second time, is framed within the campaign “When we surf, we choose Earth”, which is carried out in several locations around the world and strengthens EDP’s commitment to sustainability, social responsibility and the protection of the oceans. Furthermore, with this initiative EDP drives inclusion, sport and sustainability in several locations across Spain.

40 students participated in the activity, plus caretakers and volunteers from the energy company, which added up to more than 60 people. Among the participants were students from the Asansull Association (an association for people with special needs) in La Línea de la Concepción and sixth-form students from the Casa de la Virgen school in Palmones. From the outset, the leaders of both entities showed great interest in being part of this joint initiative, which is very positive for the integration, socialization and improvement of the psychomotor development of the children and is a unique example of inclusion.

The activity, which takes place in the Palmones beach in Los Barrios, was supported by the paddle surf school Water World Shop, whose instructors were in charge of introducing the participants to paddle surf, showing them how to get on and off the board, teaching them rowing techniques and watch over them while they caught their first waves. The goal of this activity is to offer paddle surf or stand-up paddle as a fun and inclusive tool, as well as to promote sport and a healthy lifestyle.

In addition, at the end of the activity, they all shared a snack that, together with the delivery of diplomas, put the finishing touches to a day of camaraderie and fun on the water with their peers.

To accompany the young people, the event was attended by José Antonio Gómez, delegate of Palmones, who expressed his gratitude to EDP for carrying out this activity in Palmones, “since this initiative promotes integration and benefits the inhabitants of the area.” Alongside him, Raúl Álvarez, councilor of Los Barrios who leads the delegations of Sport and Education, has been present at the activity and wanted to emphasize that “this is the total integration of the delegations that I manage, with integration through Sport, which in this municipality is something very important”.

Ismael Vaca, general coordinator of the Asansull Association, also points out that “this is the perfect example of inclusion because the children of both centers share activities and healthy lives and at the end of the day the coexistence is great”. From the teaching center Casa de la Virgen, Raul Torrescusa, one of the teachers who accompanied the group says that “it has been a great day in which the children of both centers not only have contact with the sport of paddle surf, but also have fun together and learn to get along”.

EDP, which uses water energy to be 100% green by 2030, has been supporting surf for several years within its commitment to the environment, ocean preservation and social responsibility, as well as supporting young people at risk of exclusion. In addition to Andalusia, it has also already been carried out in the Spanish regions of Asturias, Cantabria and Galicia.

clase de paddle surf
clase de paddle surf
clase de paddle surf