EDP Solidaria 2021

EDP Foundation allocates 800 000 euros to solidarity projects that respond to the effects of Covid-19

Monday 15, March 2021

Through the EDP Solidaria 2021 program, it will articulate aids to help improve the quality of peoples’ lives

A new edition of the EDP Solidaria begins. The initiative of the EDP Foundation allocates this year 800 000 euros to projects proposed by non-profit entities dedicated to the care of elderly, the battle against depopulation and rural development or the access to energy and energy efficiency in the areas where EDP operates.

The 2021 edition, given the exceptional situation that we are living due to the pandemic, will be focusing on giving an answer to the crisis generated by COVID19 from any of EDP Solidaria’s three main traditional axes. This exceptional meeting reinforces the commitment of EDP Foundation with the response to the social, economic and health crisis that ravages the country. It had already taken shape in 2020 through extraordinary donations of IT material and protection, and through an exceptional meeting for non-profit entities, launched with the goal of supporting the work of these organizations in the battle against COVID19 and its consequences.

In this occasion and with a new temporal approach, EDP Solidaria will count with a total donation of 800 000€, 200 000€ more than in the previous editions. With this rise and the reorientation of the priorities, it is expected to contribute to the social and economical reconstruction of the country, as well as to the search of sustainable and innovative solutions, to face the future with more optimism.

Those entities that contribute to improve the environment, to reduce the inequalities and to move forward in the construction of a fairer society, equitable and socially responsible, at the same time that they fight against COVID-19, may present their application from March 15 until April 15 in the web de la Fundación EDP. The shortlisted projects will be announced during the month of June at the latest and in September we will be knowing the selected projects.

The program stands out for its flexibility and adaptation to the circumstances, and therefore this new approach has four new areas of intervention: digital and educational gap, exclusion, employment and innovation/investigation.

To Vanda Martins, director of EDP Foundation, “this initiative is now more important than ever and so is our responsibility to support the social projects promoted by non-profit entities, to be able to respond to their needs and support them in the reorientation of their intervention.”

Since its launching in 2015, EDP Solidaria has supported 121 projects in Spain, to which it has allocated more than 3 million euros. The total number of people benefiting from these projects exceeds 200 000.

In the previous edition of 2020, 14 entities were selected, that received 600 000 euros to boost and develop their initiatives. Among them, Action Against Hunger, ECODES, Economistas sin fronteras or Medicusmundi.

Furthermore, it launched an additional edition, provided with 150 000 euros, that has supported 22 Spanish entities in their battle against Covid-109.