"Bears" exhibition opens to visitors in Oviedo

Friday 27, October 2017

The exhibition shows the challenges posed by the conservation of this plantigrade

The column courtyard of the building of the Royal Institute of Asturian Studies (RIDEA), in Oviedo, hosts the exhibition "Bears" from October 16 to November 5. The Bear of Asturias Foundation (FOA) organizes this exhibition of itinerant character in the Plaza Porlier building in the Asturian capital on the occasion of its first 25 years of history.

The exhibition, sponsored by Fundación EDP, consists of a series of panels with general information about the brown bear and its evolution over time, the activities of the foundation and the new challenges posed by the conservation of these specimens within a framework of growth, both of the species and nature tourism.

It can be visited at the RIDEA from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and from 4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. It's designed so that you can visit other areas of Asturias, especially in the oseras regions(bear regions).

In addition to these panels, other more interactive parts have been prepared, in which a photocall, a brown bear skeleton, models, traps and footprints are installed, as well as several audio-visual zones -one of them with a LED screen 4 meters long and 1.5 meters high. Likewise, a post with a tactile quiz has been placed for anyone who wants to test their knowledge about this animal, a symbol of the Asturian fauna. Everything, with a message: "the coexistence between the bear and the development of the oseras regions is possible", according to the president of the Bear of Asturias Foundation, Nicanor Fernández.