CASINTRA GRUPO and EDP will study the advantages of natural gas in transport

Monday 05, February 2018

Both entities have initiated a pilot project that will allow to evaluate the savings and the environmental impact associated with the use of this technology in heavy vehicles by road in 2018.


CASINTRA GRUPO and EDP have reached an agreement to analyze the use of natural gas as a fuel in road transport. Both entities have started a pilot project that will allow to evaluate the savings and the environmental impact associated with the use of this technology in heavy vehicles in 2018.

The agreement was signed by the president of CASINTRA GRUPO, Francisco Javier Álvarez, and by the director of Smart Home of EDP Spain, Antonio González-Lamuño.

Álvarez pointed out that "this project is linked to our commitment to innovation, to technologies that allow us to lead the transformation experienced by road transport, increasing both competitiveness and services we offer our customers."

González-Lamuño highlighted "the commitment of CASINTRA GRUPO to compressed natural gas as a fuel, which will allow demonstrating the advantages of this technology for heavy vehicles, with a wide autonomy, economic savings and important environmental benefits compared to the rest of fossil fuels "

Through this agreement, CASINTRA GRUPO will transform three trucks of its fleet so that they can use both diesel and compressed natural gas, fuel that will be refueled at the EDP eco-station in Roces, Gijón. The company will make an investment of 42,000 euros in these transformations.

EDP's commitment to this project includes a commercial promotion for the supply of natural gas, which favors an important future alliance with CASINTRA GRUPO in the commitment to sustainable mobility.

One of the vehicles has already been transformed and refuels at the eco-station.

This pilot project will allow both entities to study the savings and environmental benefits of the use of natural gas, with the aim that CASINTRA GRUPO continue with the process of transforming its transport fleet. For its part, EDP will provide the necessary infrastructure to respond to the demand for the use of this fuel.

This project is aligned with the philosophy of CASINTRA GRUPO, which involves making investments for the future, in such a way that it adapts its means to the needs of the market, the environment and its customers.

Sustainable mobility is one of EDP's priorities. This is one of the areas that will most impact the energy sector and will be essential for the decarbonisation of transport.


CASINTRA GRUPO is one of the main road transport companies in Spain, with regional, national and international activity, even reaching countries such as Morocco and Ukraine.

In addition to having its headquarters in Granda (Siero), the company has a network of its own delegations in the main strategic points of the country (Barcelona, ​​Madrid and Bilbao), which allow total coverage of the national territory.

The CASINTRA GRUPO strategy goes through the constant renewal of all its means to give a more effective response to its customers. In this sense, the company has not only expanded its markets geographically, but has also diversified its activities in services such as logistics, obtaining the Authorized Economic Operator (AEO), being, therefore, a safe operator in the logistics chain.