
Cementos Tudela Veguín partners with EDP to launch its first self-consumption photovoltaic installation

Thursday 23, July 2020

This installation in its production plant of La Robla will avoid the emission of more than 1000 tons of CO2 each year

Cementos Tudela Vequín, pioneer company of artificial cement manufacture in Spain, with grey and white cement and lime and production plants, debuts in energy self-consumption with the installation of a photovoltaic plant in its factory of La Robla, in Leon. The installation will be executed by the energy company EDP, that will be in charge of all the managements, set up, launching and maintenance.

This self-consumption plant, that will have a power of 3MWp, will be located on the roof of the pre-homogenization park. Cementos Tudela Veguín will generate approximately 4.4 GWh per year for self-consumption, which translates into an average annual consumption of more than 1300 households. The production will cover the 5% of electric consumption of the factory.

This agreement also includes the access to an informatic system of management of consumption. The company will be able to know at any time and in real time the energy generated in their photovoltaic plant, as well as the consumption done in their installations.

To Cementos Tudela Veguín, this project reinforces one of its priorities, environmental commitment and the boosting of resources’ use, and renewable energies in their installations, as it will be avoiding the emission of more than 1000 tons of CO2 each year, the equivalent to more than 2000 plane trips from Madrid to New York.

The plant is expected to be operational later this year.

This self-consumption plant gives continuity to the collaboration, regarding energy production, between EDP and Cementos Tudela Veguín since 2010, year in which an installation of cogeneration of 10 MWe of shared ownership was launched, through the society “HC Tudela Cogeneración S.L.” in the installations of the cement factory of Aboño.

Likewise, this project belongs to the line of projects that EDP develops for its industrial clients, offering the last technological innovations, adapted to every need, and generating strategic alliances.