"Copa de Asturias de Carreras por Montaña" EDP Grand Prix

Monday 11, September 2017

Raquel Ronco and José Enrique García win the "Copa de Asturias de Carreras por Montaña" EDP Grand Prix

The second edition of the Valle de Samuño Trail put the finishing touches to the Copa de Asturias de Carreras por Montaña - EDP Grand Prix. Hundreds of mountain-racing fans from all over the Principality gathered in this event, the last scoring of the competition, which is organized by the Federación de Deportes de Montaña, Escalada y Senderismo del Principado de Asturias (FEMPA).

Scoring 20% more than the four previous events of the calendar was the perfect excuse to fight for the title of Champion of Asturias: Raquel Ronco Castañón and Jose Enrique García Alonso won the title.

The test started from the vicinity of the Ecomuseo Minero del Valle de Samuño, in La Nueva (Langreo). The 156 participants had a maximum of 5 hours to complete the 23 kilometers with a cumulative gap of 3,000 meters, challenged by mud, which made the race even harder. In focus, not only the beauty of the protected landscape of the mining basins, but also the uniqueness of the last kilometer of the race, which runs more than 30 meters deep, traversing the Emilia socavón to reach the San Luis well.

The race was dominated by Andrés García, who got through the finishing line at 2 hours and 28 minutes, followed by Álvaro Sánchez, with a time of 2:25:01, and Alberto Fernandez, who finished 8 seconds later (2:25:09).

Miriam Garcia won the women's category, setting a new record in the event: 3:02:24. Following her in second place was the champion Raquel Ronco (3:03:45) and, thirdly, Bethlehem Betolaza (3:06:16).