EDP allocates 80 550 euros to the Food Bank with the solidary campaign of its clients

Friday 29, January 2016

EDP has multiplied by two the donations that were carried out by the clients of their loyalty program

EDP, through Javier Sáenz de Jubera, its corporative and commercial general director in Spain, has given Nicolás M. Palacios Cabero, president of the Spanish Federation of Food Banks (FESBAL by its initiatives in Spain), of the symbolic check of 80 550 euros, quantity obtained by EDP last Christmas through a solidary campaign with its clients to support the Food Banks.

All EDP customers assigned to the loyalty program – Points Program – of the company could participate in this solidary campaign called “A Christmas twice as good”. In order to do so, they donated extraordinarily part of their points, and EDP assumed the commitment of doubling the donations made to the Spanish Federation of the Food Bank (FESBAL), that distributed them in the form of foodstuff among the different provinces where they are present.

With the launching if this solidary campaign, EDP proofs its support to solidary causes and its commitment with society.



The Spanish Federation of Food Banks (FESBAL), non-profit association created in 1996, coordinates the activities of the Food Banks in Spain, related to all class of public organisms and private companies both in the national and the international scope. FESBAL promotes the obtention of food for its free distribution among the 55 Food Banks federated. These are managed almost completely by volunteers, and 2 747 people are currently offering their time steadily to work unselfishly in them.

In 2014, the Food Banks integrated in FESBAL distributed more than 142 million kilos of food, that gave access to food to more than 1 600 000 people.

The Prize Prince of Asturias of Concord was handed to FESBAL in 2012.



EDP is an international leader energy group in creation of value, innovation and sustainability. It is part of the Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes (World and STOXX) apart from being world leader in renewable energy,

In Spain, EDP is a reference company in the energy market, present in the generation, distribution and commercialization of electric energy and gas, with a portfolio of more than two million clients all over the world.

EDP is leader in gas in Cantabria and the Basque Country, as well as in Asturias, where it is also the referent electricity operator.