EDP awarded for its collaboration with the United Nations Global Compact Network

Monday 18, June 2018

The award ceremony took place during the Ordinary General Assembly 2018, held in Madrid

The United Nations Global Compact (Pacto Mundial de Naciones Unidas)awarded EDPas a Bronze Prescribing Partner of the Spanish Global Compact Network. The award ceremony took place during the Ordinary General Assembly 2018, held in Madrid.

"Pacto Mundial" is an international initiative that promotes, among the more than 12,000 member organizations, practices to develop, implement and disseminate corporate sustainability policies.

The award was collected by Yolanda Fernández Montes, Director of Environment, Sustainability, Innovation and Quality of EDP ña. Lise Kingo, CEO and Executive Director of the United Nations Global Compact, and Ángel Pes, President of the Spanish Network, were responsible for the delivery.

This award is the result of the important collaboration of EDP the Global Compact Network in various initiatives with its stakeholders, such as training other companies and participating in sustainability workshops. It also recognizes the work carried out by EDP he dissemination of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) in Spain.

In addition, the Spanish Network distinguishes EDP the highest rating -Advance- for the Sustainability Report that the company carries out each year.

The Spanish Network has more than 6,000 signatories, of which only 22 are prescriptive partners. EDP is collaborated with Global Compact since 2004, so this award is a track record recognition.