EDP presents the work 'Ulises' by Israel Sastre

Wednesday 11, April 2018

High tension equipment, ironwork, conductors ... These are some of the elements that the artist from Oviedo, Israel Sastre, has used to create 'Ulises', a sculpture that represents the concept of artistic recycling and that today is in the corporate headquarters of EDP Oviedo.

The work is the result of one of the activities carried out by EDP he occasion of the European Week of Waste Prevention of 2017, organized in Asturias by Cogersa. The motto of the last edition was "Give it a second life", so the energy company requested the collaboration of Sastre to create a sculpture with materials from the distribution of electrical energy. It highlights the reuse of a distribution line of the 60s previously located in the council of Llanera.

The sculpture was presented by Sastre himself; the manager of Cogersa, Santiago Fernández; the head of Quality, Prevention and Environment of Cogersa, Elena Fernández; the CEO of EDP ña, Miguel Stilwell d'Andrade; and the Director of Environment, Sustainability, Innovation and Quality of EDP ña, Yolanda Fernández.

For the creation of this sculpture, the artist was inspired by the 'The Odyssey', staging the return of Ulysses to Ithaca, after the battle of Troy. Sastrebased it on the concept of artistic recycling and assembly of materials.

This initiative reinforces the collaboration of EDP Cogersa, within the framework of the European Week of Waste Prevention. The energy company collaborates since the first edition, in 2011.