EDP proposes five challenges to the students of the University of Oviedo

Friday 16, March 2018

The energy company collaborates with the “Sí, somos innovación" (Yes, we are innovation) project promoted by the University of Oviedo Foundation

To generate a networking platform to connect students with the business world. That is the main objective of the program "Yes, we are innovation"(“Sí, somos innovación”), promoted byFundación Universidad de Oviedo, that in 2018 reaches its third editionm, aimed at students of the Escuela Superior de Marina Civil (Superior School of Civil Navy), the Escuela Politécnica de Ingeniería (Polytechnic School of Engineering) and the Facultad de Comercio, Turismo y Ciencias Sociales (Faculty of Commerce, Tourism and Social Sciences) "Jovellanos".

The presentation of "Yes, we are innovation" took place in the auditorium of the Faculty of Commerce, Tourism and Social Sciences Jovellanos of Gijón, where the challenges proposed by the 7 companies participating in the project, among them EDP. In total, there will be 14 real business challenges that the students, organized in different teams, will try to solve. In 2017, a team formed by three Pedagogy students, two from Economics and one from Spanish Philology from Universidad de Oviedowere victorious thanks to their idea of ??creating a financial social network for Liberbank.

The head of innovation at EDP, Luis Santos, explained the five challenges EDP throw at students: electric vehicles, disruptive communication, digital transformation, information on electricity consumption and digital customers. The presentation ceremony was also attended by the Vice Chancellor of the area of ??Transversal Action and Cooperation with Business of the University of Oviedo, Eugenia Suárez, the director-manager of Impulsa, Rubén Hidalgo, as well as representatives of the participating companies in the initiative.

Students will take make the most out of this challenge by develloping skills such as creative thinking to solve problems, which is one of the most demanded competencies in the job market. Agile methodologies, communication and presentation of proposals are other cross-cutting skills that young students will have the opportunity to enhance thanks to the mentors of the participating companies, who will guide them during the process. "Yes, we are innovation" fosters not only the employability of university students, but also the reinforcement of their personal brand and network of contacts.

Participation is free and registration can be formalized through the project website www.sisomosinnovacion.com