EDP Rock’n’Roll Madrid Marathon and ½ turns 40 years old with more than 35 000 participants

Wednesday 05, April 2017

The EDP Rock’n’Roll Madrid Marathon and ½ turns 40 years old. And it celebrates it with 35 542 people registered on the race and the release of the Gold Label of the International Association of Athletics Federation, the highest recognition for a road race. The race, that will take place on Sunday, April 23, has been presented in the Casino of Madrid.

The EDP Rock’n’Roll Madrid Marathon and ½ turns 40 years old. And it celebrates it with 35 542 people registered on the race and the release of the Gold Label of the International Association of Athletics Federation, the highest recognition for a road race. The race, that will take place on Sunday, April 23, has been presented in the Casino of Madrid.

The race has three distances: marathon, half marathon and 10 kilometers. 13 542 will be running the marathon, 15 000 the medium distance, and 7 000 the 10 kilometers. The number of participants in the 42 195 kilometers may still increase.

In the presentation of the EDP Rock’n’Roll Madrid Marathon and ½, the organization has highlighted, among other numbers, the important feminine participation, that entails a 30 % of the total. In the case of 10 kilometers, women represent a 49 %.

Regarding the origin of national participants, Madrid prevails with 17 310 people. 7 513 come from other communities. In total, 24 823 are Spanish, and 10 179 from other countries. Between all runners and their accompanies, around 38 million euros will be spent in Madrid.

Among participants, there will be EDP clients, that will run the race after participating in some of its promotions. The company raffled 250 free race bibs among its current clients and, until April 30, it will refund the race bibs’ costs of those runners that change their energy contract to EDP. Information is available on the website www.edpmaratones.es.

EDP’s awards Rock’n’Roll Madrid Marathon and ½ were also given during the presentation. Among this edition’s awarded are Martin Fiz, Elena Congost and José Manuel Roás and his son Pablo, that compete with his wheelchair in the main world’s races. The counsel general corporative director and commercial of EDP, Javier Sáenz de Jubera, has given the father and son the race’s award, and the one of the company, that consists of a year of free energy.

Moreover, the race keeps its solidary actions. The organization handed a 12 500 euros cheque to Aldeas Infantiles and two 4 500 euros to the Foundation También and the Spanish Federation of Weird Sicknesses.

The EDP Rock’n’Roll Madrid Marathon and ½ is one of the main races in which EDP collaborates. More than 120 000 people participate in the races that the company supports in Spain.

Within this commitment with sport, EDP shares its energy with runners, giving out more than 2 000 free race bibs in order to participate in the different races.



EDP is an energy group, leader in international value creation, innovation and sustainability. It is part of the Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes (World and STOXX), and it is moreover leader in world renewable energy.

In Spain, EDP is a model company in the energy market, present in the generation, distribution and commercialization of electric energy, natural gas and services, in which more than 3 million people already trust.

EDP is leader in gas in Cantabria, Murcia and the Basque Country, as well as in Asturias, where it is also model electric operator.