EDP signs an agreement with CEOE-CEPYME Cantabria to implement projects of energy efficiency in companies

Thursday 03, December 2015

EDP and CEOE-CEPYME Cantabria have signed an agreement today for the development and funding of projects of energy efficiency in the companies of the region, and for the increasement of its competitivity thanks to the reduction of the energy costs. The program, named ‘Save to was developed by the group EDP to identify the opportunities of energy saving and its implementation in companies.

The agreement has been ratified this morning by Lorenzo Vidal de la Peña, president of the CEOE-CEPYME Cantabria, and by Marcos Antuña, director of Projects an Communication of EDP Spain, in presence of the general director of Industry of the Government of Cantabria, Raúl Pelayo. The president of CEOE-CEPYME Cantabria, Lorenzo Vidal de la Peña, thanked EDP not only for its support, but also for its active participation in different programs launched by the Confederation. He reminded that “the energy efficiency in companies is a key factor to increase its competitivity, that is often harmed for the incredibly high costs of energy” and added that “it is planned to host events like this in EDP, that contribute to the Confederation becoming a meeting point for entrepreneurs and treating daily issues by which we are occupied; contrasting opinions, looking for solutions or making the most out of synergies.” For his part, Raúl Pelayo, that referred to EDP as “a company committed with the entrepreneurial network and the administration of Cantabria”, pointed out that the Government is working on issues of energy efficiency and has announced that within the budget of Cantabria for 2016 on the Parliament “four years of aids for energy efficiency were recovered, specifically, for the saving measures in processes of production in the industry and for the illumination in the SMEs.”

In the event, attended by the heads of the Cantabrian companies interested in getting to know first-hand this program, José Alonso, responsible of Energetic Efficiency of EDP, specified some of its aspects.


Save to Compete

Save to Compete enables the companies that join to make a free diagnosis report that shows the energy saving potential of the facility and identifies the main opportunities to rationalize the consumption. After that, an energy auditory is carried out, which includes technic visits to the installations and specific measuring and, finally, the implementation of the energy efficiency measures in an only project.

The management of the cost of this service is carried out through the savings obtained with the project, which enables companies to develop the efficiency measures without needing to assign financial resources nor great investments. Save to Compete may be requested by any company, regardless of their size or legal reality, that should present electronically the request through the website of the program savetocompete.com

EDP, together with CEOE-CEPYME Cantabria, contributes thus to the improvement of the competitivity of Cantabrian companies, especially relevant aspect in the current macroeconomic context. Moreover, EDP, leader in Services of Energy Efficiency, reinforces its alliance politics with its clients, becoming an important partner.



EDP is a referent company in the energy market in Spain, present in the generation, distribution and commercialization of electric energy and gas. With a commercial portfolio of more than two million clients all over the country, it has its own energy infrastructures in generation, and electricity and gas distribution. EDP is the gas leader in Cantabria and in the Basque Country, as well as in Asturias, where it is also the model electricity operator.

Between the electric, gas and renewable businesses, EDP counts with almost 2 000 employees, more than 6 000 MW of installed power and 30 000 km of distribution networks. In a bit more than a decade, the Group has invested in Spain more than 3 000 million euros.

EDP is an energy group leader in the creation of value, innovation and sustainability in fourteen countries. It is part of the Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes (World and STOXX), as well as one of the world leaders in renewable energy.


The EDP Group in Cantabria

The EDP Group is present in the energy market of Cantabria since 2010 and operates in the gas and electricity sectors. It has a portfolio of over 220 000 clients in the region, where it is leader in gas commercialization.

With a gas network of over 1 758 kilometers, reaching the 45 Cantabrian municipalities, and 176 200 supply points, Cantabria is the most gasified community of Spain, with an introduction of 29.95 clients per each 100 inhabitants.