EDP will provide the official energy of the Marathon of Valencia Trinidad Alfonso EDP

Monday 13, June 2016

The Marathon of Valencia Trinidad Alfonso incorporates EDP’s support, one of the main gas and electricity operators of the Iberian Peninsula, for its 2016 edition. Therefore, under the motto “The official energy of marathon”, this company wanted to contribute to the culture of effort and overcoming that this symbolic race has been promoting for years in the so-called Running City.

The agreement will imply thus that EDP joins the sponsorship structure of the Marathon of Valencia Trinidad Alfonso, as well as to the official name of the race, the best one in 42 km in the Spanish ground according to the Spanish Royal Federation of Athletics (RFEA). In fact, the Valencian race was acknowledged last January with the Gold Label of the IAAF, a unique renown in the Spanish marathons.


The marathon runners are worth their energy in kilowatts

The addition of EDP will imply, moreover, that runners can receive energy equivalent to what they consume in kilowatts/hour, which means 210 kWh for the average minutes that takes them to complete the 42 195 meters of a marathon. This way, EDP wants to confirm the idea that the energy is neither built nor destroyed, but transformed. In this case, 100 % renewable energy for the electricity consumption of households or businesses.

This promotion of shared energy between EDP and the participants of the Marathon of Valencia Trinidad Alfonso EDP will be open both to current customers and for people wanting to sign up.

Likewise, EDP will return the costs of the registration to those runners that change their energy contract to the one of this company and will raffle free race bibs among its current users.


Overcome the 2016 barrier of 9 000 registrations

With all that, the race organized by S.D. Correcaminos and the city council of Valencia keeps growing in all senses, both in the sponsorship and in the enrollment of runners, as it already surpasses the 9 000 inscriptions for this year’s edition, that is, 31 % more than in 2015 around this same date. Among these, it is to highlight more than 1 300 corresponding to women, and more than 2 600 corresponding to international participants.


EDP’s potential for the Marathon of Valencia Trinidad Alfonso

In short, the Marathon of Valencia Trinidad Alfonso EDP allies with a model of the energy sector, as EDP develops its activity in 14 different countries and has a commercial portfolio of more than two million customers in Spain. In fact, EDP is leader in gas in Cantabria and the Basque Country, as well as in Asturias. Regarding the Valencian Community, where it is present since 2000, it currently has 750 kilometers of electric grids, 15 000 supply points and a total of 50 000 contracts, that is, 35 % more than in 2015.

The bases of this initiative together with EDP can be found on the website www.maratonvalencia.com and www.edpmaraton.es from June 20.