EDP's new store in Oviedo opens doors

Tuesday 19, September 2017

EDP opened its new customer care store in Oviedo. The completely renovated space maintains its location on Calle Principado, with an area of 195 square meters.

The store in the Asturian capital has the capacity for eleven clerks at rush hour, distributed as follows: three in the information desk, seven in the customer care desk, and another in the post of maitre, the innovative system implemented by the company. Thanks to it, a customer careagent proactively assists the customer upon arrival at the store, collects her / his information and files a description of the customer. All this information is shared with the rest of the customer care agents so they can welcome the customer in the living room, addressing her / him by name, and accompanyingher / him to the care desks.

With the opening of Oviedo's store, EDP has nowrenovated ten stores in Spain: Murcia, Gijón, Avilés, Figueres, San Sebastián, Vitoria, Bilbao, Torrelavega, Santander and Oviedo.

"Like you wanted"

The role of customers in the new store model has been essential. Through surveys and group dynamics, clients have participated, with their vision and opinions, in the design of the spaces, in how they wished the stores to help them manage their accounts.

As a result, EDP launched the "Como tú querías" campaign, which aims to communicate the new store model. A campaign for which EDP also counted on its customers: the company made a casting call at 2016´s Feria Internacional de Muestras de Asturias, looking for customers who wanted to become the EDP's face. Hundreds of people participated, among them Carmen García (Avilés), Ciprián Castro (Baldornón, Gijón), Juan González (Oviedo) and Isabel González (Pelúgano, Aller). These four people are nowthe face of EDP in this campaign.