Fundación EDP presents the 18 projects selected for EDP Solidaria 2017

Wednesday 22, November 2017

575,000 euros for the development of various social initiatives in the Basque Country, Asturias, Cantabria, Madrid, Aragón, and Andalusia

Fundación EDP presented today, in Bilbao, the 18 projects selected for the EDP andaria 2017 program, which will be allocating 575,000 euros to carry out various proposals for social improvement. The presentation of the projects took place this afternoon at the Museo Guggenheim Bilbao, in an event attended, in addition to the top representatives of the EDP p, led by Manuel Menéndez, president of the Foundation, the Consejera de Empleo y Políticas Sociales del Gobierno Vasco (Employment and Social Policies Counselor of the Basque Government), Beatriz Artolazabal, and the Diputada Foral de Empleo, Inserción Social e Igualdad (Regional Deputy of Employment, Social Inclusion and Equality), Mª Teresa Laespada.

EDP andaria completed its third edition this year and became one of the programs of greater projection of the Fundación EDP. Since its first edition, the budget allocated and the number of projects selected significantly increased. In 2015, 11 proposals were selected; in 2016, 15; and, this year, 18. The financial contribution of the Fundación EDP, meanwhile, increased by 67% compared to the first edition, which allocated 344,000 euros.

In his opening remarks, the President of the Fundación EDP, Manuel Menéndez, highlighted the positive impact of this "novel project of support for social transformation". In his opinion, EDP andaria "responds to the fundamental objective of our Foundation, which is none other than the improvement of the quality of life of all people and the integration of the most vulnerable". "We are committed to local communities to promote the sustainable development of society and this is a clear example of that commitment," he assured.

Menéndez also announced that, from this year on, the Award for Social Innovation will be awarded to the selected project which, in addition to proposing social improvement actions, will be more innovative in the approach, development or final result in its proposal. So, the first Prize for Social Innovation was awarded to Cáritas Diocesana de Bilbao for the project "Duintasun erein", consisting of the adaptation of land for horticultural use, in the municipality of Gordexola, to generate job opportunities for people at risk of exclusion.

Increase in the number of proposals submitted

The commitment of Fundación EDP this program was confirmed by the interest of the associations. During the deadline for the presentation of proposals, open throughout the month of March, 76 potential projects were registered, compared to 49 last year. After the assessment process, 18 projects have been selected, of which 7 are located in Asturias, 7 in Madrid and one in the Basque Country, Cantabria, Aragón and Andalusia, respectively.

The project selection committee was made up of people in charge of different areas of the EDP p, together with representatives of collaborating companies, such as Mª Teresa Mallada, President of Hunosa; Alfonso Martínez, Director of Industrial Química del Nalón; María José Izquierdo, Head of Administration of Asturquimia; o Lupe Fernández, Marketing Director of Más y Más Supermarkets.

The execution of the projects will be supervised by EDP gers and volunteers and it is estimated that the selected proposals will benefit 39,000 people. Representatives of the 18 associations chosen to take part of EDP andaria participated in this afternoon's event, in the Auditorium of the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao.

Basque Country

Cáritas Diocesana de Bilbao, with the project "Duintasuna erein / Sowing dignity".


Asociación Internacional Teléfono de la Esperanza, with the project "Emotional Health in the Classrooms".

Asociación Amigos contra la Droga, with the project "Comprehensive treatment for young people at risk of social exclusion with cannabis addiction".

Aldeas Infantiles SOS, with the project "Day Care Center for minors and families at risk and social exclusion".

Fundación Ayuda en Acción, with the project "Creating opportunities to contribute to the equity and educational quality of the school population of Oviedo".

AFESA Salud Mental Asturias, with the project "Incorporation into the labor market of people with mental illness as personal assistants within the framework of the Dependency Law".

Fundación de Solidaridad Amaranta, with the project "Training in textile confection of women victims of violence in its different forms".

Asociación de Familias de Niños con Cáncer del P.A. “Galbán”, with his "integral educational project".


Asociación Nuevo Futuro Madrid, with the project "Empoderándome. Acquisition of competences for the autonomy of minors of the New Future Association ".

Coordinadora Nacional de Artritis, with the project "Comprehensive Patient Assistance Service with Artitris and relatives".

Asociación Asperger Madrid, with the project "Shuttle floor for people with Asperger's syndrome".

Fundación Acción contra el Hambre, with the "Emprende en acción" project.

Apostólicas CJ – Comunidad de Obras Sociales, with the project "No more violence / we are a solution".

Fundación Síndrome de Down Madrid, with the project "Area of ??Social Entrepreneurship Down Madrid".

Asociación Ginkgo Biloba Madrid, with the pilot project "inclusive leisure for children and family respite".


Fundación Síndrome de Down Cantabria, with the project "creation of a sheltered housing as a measure for the self-determination of the person with Down syndrome"


Asociación Servicios Capuchino – Coopera - Desarrollo Aragón, with the "San Francisco Women's Home" project.


Fundación Balia por la Infancia, with the project "Aulas Balia against child poverty for boys and girls between 9 and 12 years old".

EDP andaria 2018 Call

Fundación EDP, which in 2017 allocated 3.9 million euros to support initiatives in the field of education, culture, the environment and social development, has already announced the call for EDP andaria 2018. Manuel Menéndez announced that the Total allocation will be 600,000 euros and encouraged all associations to submit new projects. Registrations will be open between March 1 and March 31, 2018.

As a general rule, the proposals presented must be connected to the most prioritary social needs, such as support for socially disadvantaged people, the integration of communities at risk of social exclusion and the promotion of employment and entrepreneurship.

Fundación EDP

Fundación EDP's mission is to strengthen the commitment of the EDP p to society in the geographical areas where it operates. Specifically, its areas of action are those social, cultural, environmental, educational and research related issues that pursue a common sustainable development.