Monte Areo BTT and EDP will develop environmental and sports projects

Thursday 30, May 2019

They will promote the area for sport practicing and tourism

Recovering services and promoting care and respect for nature in the Areo Mount environment. That is the objective of the collaboration agreement that the Solidarity Sports Association Guimarán Areo Mount (Monte Areo BTT) and EDP have signed for the next 3 years, that will allow the creation, maintenance and promotion of different initiatives, destined mainly to sport and tourism in the area.

The agreement was signed in the Aboño thermal power plant by the Sports Association representative, Esteban Anta, and the director of Environment, Sustainability, Innovation and Quality of EDP Spain, Yolanda Fernández. The event was also attended by the mayor of Carreño City Council, Amelia Fernández, and other municipal corporation representatives; the director of the Aboño thermal power plant, Rafael Cabañeros; and the Galbán Association representative, Paula Rodríguez.

The association and EDP will develop several environmental projects. They will cooperate in the conditioning of old routes, like the Road to Santiago or the Gran Recorrido (GR) Ruta de la Plata. Among other tasks, they will clean the paths, improve signaling, and identify and act towards invading species.

Among the planned actions, there is maintenance of the existing fountains and laundries, such as the renowned Fuente Pedro and of the Fancornio, so that they are visible and accessible for visitors.

These environmental projects will allow the promotion of the area for sports practicing, among neighbors as well as employees of the companies in the area, which will have three tracks: one of 30 kilometers for mountain bike, one of 9 kilometers for hiking, and another of 11 kilometers for running.

Both entities will also promote the solidarity march taking place during the festivities of Guimarán, to obtain funds for the Galbán Association for families of children with cancer in Asturias. This march, organized by Monte Areo BTT, will celebrate its 7th edition this year.

The agreement also includes the promotion of the Areo Mount necropolis, one of the largest and most extensive in Asturias, declared Asset of Cultural Interest.

For EDP, this agreement strengthens its commitment to the council of Carreño, where its develops several activities with the local community, aimed at protecting and conserving biodiversity.