The Municipal Institute of Sports of Cordoba and EDP reach a cooperation agreement for the sponsorship of the Half Marathon of Cordoba

Tuesday 25, July 2017

The local government of Cordoba has hosted the ceremony to sign the Cooperation Agreement of EDP Spain and the Municipal Institute of Sports of Cordoba (IMDECO), through which EDP will be the main sponsor of the two following editions of the Half Marathon of Cordoba, in 2017 and 2018.

The local government of Cordoba has hosted the ceremony to sign the Cooperation Agreement of EDP Spain and the Municipal Institute of Sports of Cordoba (IMDECO), through which EDP will be the main sponsor of the two following editions of the Half Marathon of Cordoba, in 2017 and 2018.

With this agreement, the event will receive, for these two editions, the name “EDP Half Marathon of Cordoba” and EDP’s image will be linked to the one of the event with its broadcasting, advertising and image.

The major of Cordoba, Isabel Ambrosio, the Sports’ Councilor and IMDECO president, Antonio Rojas, and EDP Spain’s Director-General Manager, Javier Sáenz de Jubera, were present in the signing ceremony. The three of them thanked the corresponding tasks forces for the work carried out to reach this collaboration agreement.

Isabel Ambrosio stated that “a sport and social event of great relevance as is the Half Marathon of Cordoba, deserves to be sponsored by a company like EDP, to which we thank for its contributions, that will be very important for the organization. We congratulate IMDECO for its work, and EDP’ task forces for reaching this agreement, as well as the provincial council of Cordoba, that will also be helping in the organization of the event”.

Antonio Rojas said that “we have to thank EDP for the economical support that the now EDP Half Marathon of Cordoba will have for the following two editions”, and indicated that “it is a cooperation agreement that represents a milestone in the history of the event’s organization, both for its characteristics and for the great commitment of EDP with running, and we hope thus to continue with this agreement many more years”.

Javier Sáenz de Jubera highlighted that “since our first desires to sponsor some Andalusian races, the Half Marathon of Cordoba was one of the options considered, both for its high turnout and for its good organization, as well as for the many facilities that the local government of Cordoba has always given to reach the agreement that we sign today. We are therefore thankful, and I hope to come and participate”.

This Cooperation Agreement in Sponsorship of the Municipal Institute of Sports of Cordoba (IMDECO) with the energy company EDP may be considered as “historic” within the path that the organization has followed in the Half Marathon of Cordoba during its 32 editions, not only because of the economic support, but also because of what a connection with an international company like EDP entails.

The Agreement was signed by Antonio Rojas, Sports council and president of the Municipal Institute of Sports of Cordoba (IMDECO) and Javier Sáenz de Jubera, EDP Spain’s Director-General Manager.