Siegfried' opens the Oviedo Opera Season

Wednesday 30, August 2017

Teatro Campoamor will host four sessions.

The Opera Season of Oviedo starts next Wednesday, September 6, sponsored by Fundación EDP. 'Siegfried', third title of Richard Wagner's tetralogy "The Ring of the Nibelung", will raise the curtains of Teatro Campoamor's 70th season. The Theater will host four sessions - 6, 9, 13 and 16 of September.

With 'Siegfried', the Oviedo Opera continues its ambitious project initiated in 2013: launching Wagner's "Ring Cycle" in the Asturian capital. It began in September 2013 with 'The Rhinegold'. In 2015, the cycle continued with 'The Valkyrie', and now with the third title.

In order to carry out this project, the Oviedo Opera has had the collaboration of Fundación EDP.