Students of the CAI de Penlés participate in the release of 1,600 trouts

Tuesday 26, September 2017

Ten students of the "Centro de Apoyo a la Integración de discapacitados de Penlés" (Support Center for the Integration of the disabled of Penles) participated Tuesday in the repopulation of the river Narcea. The activity, organized by the Association of Fishermen Fuentes del Narcea with the collaboration of the Fundación EDP, has taken place in the beach known as "El Matadero", in Cangas del Narcea. In total, 1,500 juveniles and 100 adult trouts have been introduced into the river.

This is the fifth year that the disability center participates in this initiative. In addition to the release, the students learned the characteristics of these trout from the Fishermen's Association. The specimens used in this release were hardly one month old, at which point they begin to feed themselves.

The president of the Association, Román Herrero, stated that "the activities of repopulation are very important, because they allow the conservation of the aquatic ecosystem. The specimens we introduce are wild and have the purest genetics of the Atlantic arc."

The Association of Fishermen Fuentes del Narcea has participated in the repopulation of Asturian rivers for ten years, fulfilling the calendar of the Ministry of Rural Development and Natural Resources. It has the collaboration of the Fundación EDP, whose commitment to fish farms has been extended to other Asturian rivers for more than a decade, with the support of the Real Asociación Asturiana de Pesca Fluvial (Royal Asturian River Fishing Association).

About theFundación EDP

TheFundación EDP's mission is to reinforce the EDP Group's commitment to society in the geographical areas where it operates. Specifically, its areas of action are social, cultural, environmental, educational and research related issues that pursue a common sustainable development.