Ángel Miguel Castaño and María Quintela win the EDP lf Marathon of Trubia

Monday 16, October 2017

The route crosses a good part of the Asturian Trail of the Bear ("Senda del Oso").

The XV EDP Marathon of Trubia, organized by the Cultural and Recreational Association of the town, gathered 160 participants. The absolute winners were Ángel Miguel Castaño (1:16:10) and María Quintela (1:32:07). The first local runner was awarded to Javier Mier, second overall (1:16:18).

The racers covered a 21,096 meter circuit with a start and finish at Trubia, crossing a good part of the well known Trail of the Bear.

The EDP Marathon of Trubia is a non-competitive race, which tries to claim the principles of a healthy and sporting life, collaborating with the social dynamization of the town of Oviedo.