Instalación fotovoltaica para autoconsumo de Aalto

Aalto allies with EDP to strengthen energy saving and the sustainability of its wine cellar.

Wednesday 16, June 2021

They start up a photovoltaic installation for self-consumption that will reduce by 25% the electric consumption of its facilities in Quintanilla de Arriba.

Aalto, reference wine cellar in Spain’s wine sector, settled in the Ribera del Duero, engages with self-consumption of electric energy. The winery has achieved an agreement with the energy company EDP in order to start up a photovoltaic plant in its facilities of Quintanilla de Arriba, in Valladolid. A strong engagement with energy saving and sustainability of its activity.

The photovoltaic plant, consisting of more than 150 solar panels, that add up a power of 70 kWp peak, is located in the roof of the winery. Aalto will achieve an annual saving of 25% in its electric consumption, the equivalent of travelling 500 000 kilometers with an electric vehicle (79 000 kWp per hour).

This energy saving, that will be attained by Aalto, is associated to the reinforcement of its commitment with environmental protection. The solar energy self-consumption, which is 100% renewable, will avoid the emission of 20 tons of CO2 into the atmosphere, a positive impact in the air quality, similar to the one that would have 1 500 new trees.

For the plant’s management, EDP has provided Aalto with a digital platform with which they can monitor the installation in real time, optimizing thus its performance.

Valladolid, with 2 700 sunshine hours per year, has a great potential for solar self-consumption. According to a study carried out by EDP, among companies, individual households and buildings, they can install 6 million solar panels and generate the energy equivalent to the annual average electric consumption of 700 000 households. In the environmental field it would avoid the emission of more than 745 000 tons of CO2 each year, a positive impact in the air quality, similar to the one of 55 million new trees.

In the municipality of Quintanilla de Arriba, where the winery Aalto is found, this study shows that 3 000 solar panels could be installed, among individual households, buildings and companies. These facilities would enable to generate energy equivalent to the annual average electric consumption of 350 households.

This initiative frames in EDP’s Strategic Plan for the 2021-2025 period, recently approved, that expects investments for the value of 24 000 million euros. The investments will focus on three main lines of action: growth in renewable energies, flexibility and intelligence in the electric distribution networks, and engages to design and offer more innovative solutions to their customers. This ambitious plan contributes to EDP’s goal of being 100% green by 2030.