The Camerata Revillagigedo opens its Christmas concerts in Sotrondio

Thursday 17, December 2015

The Camerata Revillagigedo offers this month of December a cycle of concerts, sponsored by the EDP Foundation. Under the direction of the master José Fernández Avello, the accompaniment of the pianist Rosario Álvarez Fernández and the interpretation of Ana María Peinado, the choral groups will be giving four concerts.

The church of San Martín of Sotrondio will be hosting the first concert, the following Wednesday, December 23, at 20.00. The church of San Cristóbal El Real, in Colunga, will be the stage for the second concert, on Sunday 27, from 12.30. The third concert will take place in Oviedo, on Monday 28, at 20.00, in the church Santa María La Real de la Corte. Finally, the Camerata Revillagigedo will be ending the concerts in Gijón, on Tuesday 29, at 20.00, in the collegiate church San Juan Bautista – Revillagigedo Palace-.

The Camerata Revillagigedo, created in 1993, is one of the most renowned choral groups of the Principality of Asturias. In the concerts program appears, among others, plays of José Ignacio Prieto, Henry Mancini or Richard Rodgers.

About the EDP Foundation

The EDP Foundation aims to reinforce the commitment of the Group EDP with society in the geographical areas where it develops its activity. Specifically, its actuation areas are those involving social, cultural, environmental and educative issues, as well as the ones related to investigation, that aim for a common sustainable development