CEL Technologies allies with EDP to introduce innovative measures of energy efficiency

Friday 01, July 2016

CEL Technologies has allied with the energy company EDP for the introduction of energy efficiency measures in its facilities in Aranguren-Zalla (Bizkaia). The project, which frames within EDP’s program Save to Compete, allows the paper company for an important saving, at the same time that it locates it as a model firm in the field of energy efficiency.


With the introduction of this project, EDP progresses with the alignment of energy efficiency projects for Spanish companies, that aims to increase competitivity through the reduction of energy costs. Moreover, the company has a credit line, so that projects are funded through the generated savings.

The project executed in CEL Technologies began as a complete energy audit in the plant of Aranguren-Zalla, that enabled to identify a series of measures of energy efficiency. The implementation budget was of 588 588 euros, reaching an annual saving of 178 619 euros. To these figures it is to add the subsidy managed with the Energy Agency of the Basque Government (EVE), worth 56 335 euros.

The project also has had a significant influence in the environmental aspect. CEL Technologies has achieved to reduce more than 1 100 tons of CO2 emissions per year.

The main measures implemented by EDP are: improvements in the pumping systems, installation of frequency variators in motors, optimization of the lighting system, improvement of the combustion regulation of boilers, installation of osmosis for the water supply of the boiler, and installation of thermal isolators. Within the isolators field, it is to underline the installation in the cylinders’ covers of a paper machine.

The project implemented in CEL Technologies was funded and executed entirely by EDP. The company keeps an open line in the funding of these kind of projects, within the agreements reached with the entrepreneurial organizations of the Basque Country – CEBEK, Adegi and SEA –, for the development and funding or projects of energy efficiency in companies, and to increase their competitivity, thanks to the reduction of the energy costs.

CEL Technologies is a model company in the paper sector, that focuses its activity on the manufacturing of tissues and cellulose products like toilet and kitchen rolls, paper towels and industrial cellulose.


Save to Compete

The innovative program Save to Compete has three stages. In the first place, the company carries out a free diagnosis report, with the aim of knowing the energy saving potential. In the second stage, EDP makes a complete energy audit, that includes technic visits to the specific installations and measuring, as well as a business plan that characterizes the facility and recommends different measures that could be implemented. The third step is the implementation of the energy efficiency measures.



EDP is an energy group, leader in international value creation, innovation and sustainability. It is part of the Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes (World and STOXX), and it is moreover leader in world renewable energy.

In Spain, EDP is a model company in the energy market, present in the generation, distribution and commercialization of electric energy, natural gas and services, in which more than 3 million people already trust.

EDP is leader in gas in Cantabria, Murcia and the Basque Country, as well as in Asturias, where it is also model electric operator.