The council of Aviles awards to EDP’s energy supplies

Wednesday 23, December 2015

The council of Aviles has awarded to EDP, by tender, the electricity and natural gas supply. Both contracts, for year 2016, contemplate the energy supply of a total of 128 points depending on the city council of Aviles, on the Municipal Foundation of Culture and on the Municipal Sport Foundation.

The contracts, signed between the city council and EDP, use 72 points of electric supply and an estimated consumption of 3.5 GWh per year. The natural gas supply is aimed for 56 points, with an estimated consumption of 7.2 GWh per year. The total cost of both contracts rises to a million euros.

EDP has been the main operator in the region, with almost 900 000 supply points among household customers, companies and institutions.



EDP is an international leader energy group in creation of value, innovation and sustainability. It is part of the Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes (World and STOXX) apart from being world leader in renewable energy,

In Spain, EDP is a reference company in the energy market, present in the generation, distribution and commercialization of electric energy and gas, with a portfolio of more than two million clients all over the world.

EDP is leader in gas in Cantabria and the Basque Country, as well as in Asturias, where it is also the referent electricity operator.