EDP launches a solidary campaign with its clients to support the Food Banks

Monday 23, November 2015

This Christmas, EDP launches a solidary campaign with its clients to support the Spanish Federation of Food Banks. All EDP clients participating in the Trade Point program of the company may take part in this solidary campaign called “Making Christmas double as good”. In order to do so, one only has to redeem the points obtained for food, that will be donated to the Spanish Federation of Food Banks (FESBAL by its initials in Spanish), and these, in turn, will be distributed around the different provinces where they operate. EDP will double the donations made by its clients.

From November 17 and until December 31, EDP will enable the Responsible Points, where clients may redeem their points to give them to the Food Banks through the usual channels, web, phone or kiosk. Per each 1 000 points collected, EDP will be donating 2 000 more.

During the first fortnight of January, the EDP Foundation will fulfil the donation to the FESBAL, that will oversee its distribution to the food banks of each territory or province.

All clients participating in this campaign will receive a communication, where they will be indicated about its final result.

To participate, clients need to be part of EDP’s Trade Point program. With the launching of this solidary campaign, EDP shows its support to solidary causes and its commitment with the society in which it operates.



The Spanish Federation of Food Banks (FESBAL), non-profit organization created in 1996, coordinates the activities of the Food Banks in Spain, related to all kinds of public organisms and private companies at a national and international level. FESBAL promotes the food obtention for its free distribution among the 55 federated food banks. These are managed almost completely by volunteers, and there are currently 2 747 people offering their time regularly to work for them unselfishly.

In 2014, the Food Banks integrating the FESBAL distributed more than 142 million kilograms of foodstuff, that enabled food aid for more than 1 600 000 people.

In 2012, FESBAL received the Prince of Asturias Award for Concord.



EDP is an international leader energy group in creation of value, innovation and sustainability. It is part of the Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes (World and STOXX) apart from being world leader in renewable energy,

In Spain, EDP is a reference company in the energy market, present in the generation, distribution and commercialization of electric energy and gas, with a portfolio of more than two million clients all over the world.

EDP is leader in gas in Cantabria and the Basque Country, as well as in Asturias, where it is also the referent electricity operator.