EDP updates its gift catalogue for clients

Friday 16, June 2017

The B2B department of Marketing and Sales makes available a new catalogue 2017-2018 of the points program. From Monday, June 12, it will be free to call EDP and trade points. The new number will be 900 92 92 02 and the trade will work like it has until now. It can also be made through the link https://www.edpenergia.es/es/hogares/atencion-al-cliente/que-necesitas/


The B2B department of Marketing and Sales makes available a new catalogue 2017-2018 of the points program. From Monday, June 12, it will be free to call EDP and trade points. The new number will be 900 92 92 02 and the trade will work like it has until now. It can also be made through the link https://www.edpenergia.es/es/hogares/atencion-al-cliente/que-necesitas/…


Apart from this, it is also to remark the increase of online presents, with two incorporations: a course of office IT and Bombones Atrápalo, exchangeable for tickets. They also include 18 new physical presents, among which they are to be found technology innovations, like virtual reality glasses or a smartwatch.

The operation of gift sending is also kept the same: there is a shipping address for physical gifts, online shipping for online presents, and standard mailing for tickets. The categories EDP Solidary and Responsible Points are also kept, as well as the trade for energy (kWh of light or gas).

This new catalogue will be available from June 12 and will be progressively communicated in the new business offices, through insertions in the newsletter from July, in www.edpenergia.es and in the extract corresponding to the point program.

The presents that are disappearing from the current catalogue may be traded until June 30.