EDPES-Aniversario Teatro EDP

The immunized elders of Madrid's residences return to the Theater

Wednesday 24, February 2021

EDP has celebrated the second anniversary of its sponsorship of EDP Theater Gran Vía, opening its gates so that the first immunized elders of Madrid’s residences can enjoy again the culture, after almost a year without being able to leave their residence due to the pandemic.

More than 200 elderly people from different residences of the groups Los Nogales, Sanitas, Eulen, DomusVi, Orpea, Amavir and Asispa have enjoyed their first departure from the residences, after the implementation of the protocol of flexible departures, with a special performance by the comedian Santi Rodriguez.

Javier Flórez, director of B2B sales of EDP Spain, has pointed out that “from EDP we would like to celebrate the second anniversary of our theatre in a special way. We could not think of a better way to perform this celebration, than offering those who have suffered the most the pandemic, the opportunity to enjoy culture.”

The Theatre EDP Gran Vía is the first to transform people’s energy into electric energy for a common cause. The sounds produced by the emotions of the elderly people that have assisted (applauses, cheers, laughs…) have been captured by a system that collected vibrations in decibels and turned them into kWh to donate them to the ONG Adopta Un Abuelo. Specifically, the donation has been destined to 60 scholarships for kids and adolescents of public schools that will be participating in the accompanying program of 20 elderly people from residences through letters, talks and videocalls.