Instalación fotovoltaica, ASLA y EDP.

Asturiana de Laminados and EDP join forces to start up the largest photovoltaic plant in Asturias

Tuesday 28, December 2021

It will have more than 5,300 photovoltaic modules with a total peak power of 2.8 megawatts.

The largest photovoltaic installation for self-consumption in Asturias will be in Pola de Lena. Asturiana de Laminados (ASLA) has teamed up with the energy company EDP to set it up in the warehouses that the laminated zinc production company has in the Villallana Industrial Estate.

The solar generation plant, which in this first phase will have 2.8 megawatts peak power, will consist of more than 5,300 photovoltaic modules, which will occupy an area of 13,000 square metres on the roofs of ASLA, almost two football fields.

With this installation, ASLA will achieve an annual saving of 16% in electricity consumption, almost 3 million kilowatt hours. In addition, it will prevent the emission of 893 tonnes of CO2 each year, a positive impact on air quality similar to that of more than 65,000 new trees.

The self-consumption photovoltaic installation is part of a contract that will be developed as a service for 8 years. EDP pays 100% of the initial investment and supplies the energy produced by the photovoltaic modules to ASLA for the duration of the contract. After these 8 years, ASLA acquires ownership of the solar installation, which has a useful life of at least 25 years. This advantageous contractual arrangement provides long-term stability and visibility of energy costs for the companies.

The rest of the energy consumed by ASLA will also be supplied by EDP, as part of the long-standing agreement between the two companies.

EDP will provide ASLA with a digital platform that will allow it to know in real time the production of the photovoltaic installation and the consumption of its facilities, in order to optimise its operation.

Asturias has a great opportunity to commit to energy savings, efficiency and sustainability with photovoltaic installations for self-consumption.

This agreement is part of EDP's Strategic Plan for the period 2021-2025, with planned investments of 24,000 million euros in three main lines of action: growth in renewable energies, flexibility of electricity distribution networks and a commitment to offering innovative solutions to its customers, such as this photovoltaic installation for self-consumption. All of this is in line with its ambitious goal of being the leading 100% green energy company by 2030.