David Bustamante y Cristina Llorente en el Teatro EDP Gran Vía

David Bustamante and Cristina Llorente share an evening at the EDP Gran Vía Theatre with seniors immunised with the third dose of the vaccine.

Thursday 16, December 2021

The singer and actress welcomed them before the performance of 'Ghost'. After the performance, they had dinner with them on the stage of the theatre.

The EDP Gran Vía Theatre has once again welcomed the elderly residents of the residences to celebrate Christmas and the inoculation of the third dose of the vaccine.

This time, in a group of 15, they returned to the theatre to see 'Ghost', the musical starring David Bustamante and Cristina Llorente. They were also able to meet the actors first-hand and even have dinner with them on stage after the show. The elderly, who were able to spend the day at the theatre, come from 9 residences belonging to the Los Nogales, Sanitas, Eulen and DomusVi groups.

Last February, EDP celebrated the second anniversary of its sponsorship of the EDP Gran Vía Theatre by opening its doors so that the first immunised elderly residents, almost 200, could once again enjoy culture after a year without being able to leave the centres due to the pandemic.

In the words of EDP's Brand and Communication Director, Carmen Fernández: "We want our seniors to be the protagonists of a special event that we have organised, once again and on the same stage of the EDP Gran Vía Theatre, exclusively for them. A festive moment to enjoy Christmas as a family, with the 'Ghost' family, headed by David Bustamante and Cristina Llorente".

The EDP Gran Vía Theatre is the first to transform people's energy into electrical energy for charitable causes. The sounds produced by the emotions of the elderly people who attended the performance (applause, cheers, laughter...) have been captured by a meter that collects the vibrations in decibels and converts them into kWh to donate them to the organisation of the theatre company's choice.

As Jesús Cubero, general secretary of AESTE (Association of Companies of Services for Dependency) commented: "It is wonderful to see the illusion and happiness of all these elderly people sharing an evening with David Bustamante, Cristina Llorente and the rest of the actors and actresses of the musical Ghost. We would like to thank the management of the EDP Gran Vía Theatre for making the dream of all these elderly people come true. We must show society all the activities that the elderly can do and all the life they have ahead of them".