EDP, best website of Asturias

Friday 20, November 2015

EDP’s website, www.edpenergia.es, has been awarded as the best portal in the 17th edition of the Best Website Awards of Asturias. The competition, that awards the best initiatives in the network of the Principality, has acknowledged EDP as the best website in two categories, both at a general level and at the Asturian entrepreneurial sector. Yone Aldasoro and Lorena Fanjul received the prize in a ceremony that took place in the Municipal Center Pumarín-Gijón Sur.

The Best Website Awards of Asturias are promoted by the journal El Comercio, and count with a jury made up of internet experts. The goal of this initiative is to acknowledge the work quality and the effort of the people developing activities through internet in the region.

As the best website of the Principality, EDP will receive a two-week-long campaign in www.elcomercio.es and an advertising space in the printed version of the journal.

Regarding the Best Entrepreneurial Website, EDP won out four other finalists: Agencia La Playa, Isastur, Sidra Cortina (especial mention of the jury) and Industrias Lácteas Monteverde (especial mention of the audience). In this category, the jury valued that EDP used its portal efficiently to improve its relationship with its clients, carry out marketing and communication actions, and improve the commercial attracting, among other aspects.

Moreover, in this edition, awards were granted in the categories Leisure (TravelGuau), Institutional (Food Bank of Asturias), E-commerce (Apparentia), Apps (112 Asturias) and Blogs (Movimiento Sin Deberes).