EDP develops a saving program for SMEs

Wednesday 02, December 2015

EDP provides SMEs with the program “Cuota Ahorro”. It consists of a service that enables the identification of energy saving opportunities and its implementation in the participant companies. The measures developed will be financed by EDP, in such a way that SMEs, maintaining their normal activity, reduce their energy consumption and recover the investment with the savings they obtain. Once the investment is amortized, the savings obtained by the cost reduction are entirely for the client.

This new program seeks to promote energy efficiency in businesses, so that they increase their competitiveness and at the same time reduce their energy consumption. This new program follows a simple methodology. The company provides a wide and complete portfolio of energy efficiency products and services with assessment from experts, who identify the most adequate and competitive energy solutions.

“Cuota Ahorro” integrates a novelty, as after the installation of these new energy efficiency measures, the payment method is not made in the conventional way with a separate bill and a large initial disbursement, but rather through an innovative way, with deferrals and inside the energy bill itself.

With “Cuota Ahorro” EDP places value on two main objectives for their customers. In the first place, the company offers customized financing of the service, so that the customers do not have to face a high initial investment. And in the second place, billing this new service with the energy bill itself.

All the information is available at the company’s website www.edpenergia.es, in the Businesses and Big Clients section. Through a link, all the interested customers can make the applications that they need.


EDP is an international energy group, leader in value creation, innovation and sustainability. It is part of the Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes (World and STOXX) and is also world leader in renewable energy.

In Spain, EDP it is a referent in the energy market, present in the generation, distribution and commercialization of electric energy and natural gas, with a portfolio of more than two million customers all over the country.

EDP is leader in gas in Cantabria and the Basque Country, as well as in Asturias, where it also is the referent electricity operator.