EDP, sponsor of the EDP Half Marathon of Siero

Monday 22, February 2016

A breaking-leg race. This is how the organization for the 21 kilometers EDP Half Marathon of Siero has defined itself, a round race, between Pola de Siero and Vega de Sariego. The competition, that celebrates its 27th edition, is sponsored by EDP and will take place on Sunday, March 6, from 10:30.

The EDP Half Marathon of Siero has been presented in the Palace of Marquess of Santa Cruz by the mayor, Ángel García, the director of the Municipal Sport Board of Siero, Virginio Ramírez, and the director of Inovgrid of EDP Spain, Jesús Fernández.

600 runners will be taking part on this race, that will start in the street lldefonso Sánchez del Río, in the vicinity of the Abastos Square of the capital of Siero. From there, participants will begin their way through a route, both urban and interurban, until Vega de Sariego, where they will make a turn to retrace their steps until the finish line, located in the already mentioned street of Pola de Siero.

The inscriptions can be carried out until March 3, and the distribution of race bibs will take place on Saturday 5 in the Municipal Sports Complex of Pola de Siero or the day of the race in the Abastos Square.

The support of EDP to the EDP Half Marathon of Siero reinforces the company’s commitment with the council, where different technological innovations integrated to the electric distribution grid have been set up: two charging points for electric vehicles, a photovoltaic plant, efficient illumination in public spaces and monitorization of the consumptions of different points of Pola de Siero, through a website application. These novelties are framed within the project Inovcity Pola de Siero, in which EDP has invested more than 100 000 euros.

With this project, EDP aims to promote energy efficiency and incorporate microgeneration and electric vehicle.



EDP is an international leader energy group in creation of value, innovation and sustainability. It is part of the Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes (World and STOXX) apart from being world leader in renewable energy,

In Spain, EDP is a reference company in the energy market, present in the generation, distribution and commercialization of electric energy and gas, with a portfolio of more than two million clients all over the world.

EDP is leader in gas in Cantabria and the Basque Country, as well as in Asturias, where it is also the referent electricity operator.