Monte Areo

Monte Areo BTT and EDP recover the Mount Areo for sport practice and tourism

Tuesday 30, March 2021

They have enabled disused roads and the surroundings of the necropolis, which are part of the council's heritage.

A 9 km hiking route, a 11 km circuit for the running lovers, and another one of 25km for mountain biking. A total of 45 km of green areas in the Mount Areo, in Carreño, have been environmentally recovered to promote sport and tourism in the area.

This action is the result of the partnership agreement between the Asociación Deportiva Solidaria Guimarán Monte Areo (Monte Areo BTT) and EDP, with the collaboration of the city council of Carreño.

At the circuit’s premiere have assisted the mayoress of Carreño, Amelia Fernández; the director of Aboño’s thermal power plant, Rafael Cabañeros; and the representative of the Sport Association, Esteban Anta. Representatives of the municipal corporation’s groups and volunteers of the association have also taken part in the event.

Through this agreement, the association and EDP have carried out several environmental projects destined to recover the services and promote care and respect towards nature in the area of the Mount Areo. To this effect, they counted with the collaboration of 15 volunteers of the sport association, as well as with companies of the area.

Among the actions carried out, the cleaning of disused roads and the conditioning of the area where the necropolis is located, one of the largest and most extensive in Asturias, declared an Asset of Cultural Interest, stand out.

Moreover, they have refurbished ancient routes like the Camino de Santiago or Roman 'Silver Route', where parts of the circuits pass, as well as fountains and washing places, like Merún, Santa Eulalia and Reguera. Now all these areas and elements that are part of the municipal’s council’s heritage are more visible and accessible for the visitors.

Regarding the circuits, all three start from the surroundings of the Centro de Iniciativa Rural de Guimarán-Valle, where the headquarters of the Sport Association is located. They have been designed under environmental criteria, respecting the nature of the area. Volunteers that have taken part in this initiative have cleaned, refurbished and signaled the paths and points of interest.

In the case of the BTT circuit, it is accredited by the International Mountain Bicycle Association (IMBA), which ensures the fulfillment of the high quality and security standards for the athletes.

The works have been developed over the last year, which has entailed a strict following of all health recommendations to prevent risk situations that could lead to a possible Covid-19 spread.

All the actions carried out will enable to promote even more the Mount Areo because of its points of interest, and as a reference to sport practice, both for the neighbors of the area, and for all the Asturians and tourists that approach the council.

The main event that will be celebrated this year will be the solidarity march Mount Areo BTT, at the same time that the Guimarán festivities, in September. Moreover, from the Association they expect to carry out actions linked to running, and coordinate with schools to conduct informative visits to make the heritage and natural richness of the area known.

To EDP, this agreement strengthens its commitment with the council of Carreño, where it develops its activity of generation of Aboño’s thermal power station and several initiatives with the local community, aiming protection and conservation of biodiversity.