El tren a Brañagallones, una de las iniciativas que apoya EDP a través del programa Entama

EDP supports the projects of 9 asturian entrepreneurs

Monday 06, December 2021

Masymas, first company that joins the Entama Network, contributes with 20000 euros for agri-food projects

A cutlery, a certified ecological cultivation project of shiitake mushroom on chestnut and oak tree trunks, or an architectural study specialized in traditional Asturian constructions. These are some of the 9 projects selected by EDP within Entama, the program of support for entrepreneurs which the energy company has contributed with to generate wealth, employment and setting of the population in rural environments.

The projects, which will count on the contribution of a total of 105000 euros, will be developed in Taramundi, Ibias, El Franco, Ribera de Arriba, Caso, Sobrescobio, Salas and Teverga.

The program celebrates its third edition and introduces novelties.  The first, the creation of the Entama network, with which the company looks forward to adding the support of more businesses. The first to join is Masymas, the supermarket chain with a capital 100% Asturian, which puts in 20000 euros for projects of agri-food character.

Also, EDP has amplified the scope of action of the program. This year it has also been directed towards rural municipalities of less than 5000 inhabitants or whose population’s density is inferior to a 100 inhabitants per square meter, which has allowed for the presentation of more initiatives.

The initiatives, which were chosen by measuring their local impact and viability, are aimed to generated resources and employment in the municipalities. The contracting of local suppliers from the area of implantation of the activity has also been valued. In addition, EDP will develop acts of information and counseling to the entrepreneurs.

Entama stablishes itself in the pillars of action ESF (Environmental, social and of Corporative Government) which set the Strategic Plan of EDP for the 2021-2025 period. This plan foresees investments of 24000 million euros of value. The investments will center around renewable energies, flexibility and smart grids of the electric distribution along with a bet on designing and offering the most innovative solutions for their clients. This ambitious plan contributes to EDP’s goal of going 100% green by 2030. The company has recently been recognized in the Dow Jones’ index of Sustainability as the most sustainable energy company in the world.

The selected projects are the following:

CGF Estudio Arquitectura (Caso): Claudia García opens in 2020 the doors of CFG study in Campo de Caso, with experience in traditional Asturian architecture and conservation of the constructive asturian systems.

Los Carobos restaurant (Sobrescobio): launch of a meal house in Campiellos, in the national park in Redes, with a daily and weekend menu, with typical Asturian products. At the moment there is no restaurant of this kind in the area. It aims to improve tourism in the National Park.

Navallas of Taramundi (cutlery): seven generations of smiths dedicated to producing and commercializing cutlery in Taramundi, along with recognizing the value of the smith profession, specially through the creation and management of the Cutlery Museum of Taramundi (2008).

Shiit-Astur – Caprichos de Shiitake (Salas): a family launches this project at the end of 2019. They farm the shiitake mushroom in an ecological way, sustainable and traditional, due to being able to take advantage of the forest that are in disuse at the moment. The result is a mushroom of quality and flavor.

La Fuelga – Ecological Vegetal Garden (Ribera de Arriba): Ecological garden of vegetables and tubers (autochthonous varieties) for the direct sale to the homes of different Asturian populations, under the philosophy of ‘slow food’ and zero kilometer.

Empanadería Bar el Caleyón (Ribera de Arriba): it offers “Tío Lucas” pasties, elaborated with their own oven, along with other products. In the installations they offer formation about the products and cooking workshops.

Floreziendo -Muniellos Honey (El Franco): beekeeping exploitation that includes and activity of ecotourism in the area of the National Park of Muniellos. Nowadays the farm produces 300 kilos of honey in a year and will start their commercialization soon.

Arthe, souvenirs and auxiliar furniture (El Franco): This company is focused on the creation and sale of souvenirs, and in the production of added value through the use of new technologies like 3D printers, laser and milling machine of numeric control.

Renastur Celtibérica (Teverga): Elaboration of new products of birch tree sap: food, cosmetics and others.